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Children's Formation

The Episcopal Church defines formation as “lifelong growth in the knowledge, service, and love of God as followers of Christ…informed by Scripture, Tradition, and Reason.” Understanding this growth as a lifelong process is fundamental. Christian formation does not have an expiration or a graduation date, and doesn’t only happen in a classroom. 

We all have a special responsibility to think about the impact everything that we do at church can have on the children and youth who worship at Calvary and are members of our congregation. During baptisms, the congregation in unison answers “We will!”, when asked “Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?” That support can be in teaching Sunday School, in being a sponsor for a confirmand, or in listening to a child tell you about their week during coffee hour.

We hope you will take some time to consider how we, at Calvary, are living into the spirit of lifelong formation. If you have any questions, or want to know how to be more involved in children's formation opportunities please contact us.

Sunday School

Sunday School, for children 3-12, gathers on Sundays from 9:45 am to 10:30 am.  Children rejoin their families at the Passing of the Peace to receive the Eucharist. Click to sign up.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Biblical and Liturgical Formation for Children Ages 3 to 3rd Grade

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to children’s Christian formation that is based on the methods of Maria Montessori. In 1954, Hebrew scholar, Sophia Cavalletti, along with Montessori educator, Gianna Gobbi, began this program by observing children from ages three to twelve. Through their observations and work with the children they were made aware of the deep relationship children already have with God. Their goal was to help the children find God by themselves. We continue to strive for this today. A dedicated space called “the atrium” is central to this formation program. Along with song, prayer, Bible readings, and nomenclature of the church, the children become fully prepared to be participants in the liturgy of the church. 

There are three levels of formation: 

Level I (3- to 6-year-olds) focuses on the great joy and love of the Good Shepherd. 

Level II (6- to 9-year-olds) focuses on The True Vine and how children maintain their places on the Vine. 

Level III (10- to 12-year-olds), focuses on the History of God’s Kingdom throughout time, helping children to establish their places in this History. 

Each level builds on the former, creating links between Biblical text, the Liturgy of the Church, and the Life of God’s People.

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Seeking Peace

Faith Formation for 4th-5th Grade

Seeking Peace is a Christian education program for children developed by Shine, illuminating the ways in which we can seek peace within ourselves, with God, and with each other. During each class children will reflect on scripture lessons and engage in activities that call them to experience and participate in the transforming power of God’s love. Children will learn about the Bible and basic Christian teachings, gain a deeper understanding of Episcopal liturgy, and explore ways they can live out their faith every day.

Nursery Care

Sundays at 9:45 am

While children are always welcome at Calvary’s worship services, starting on September 8 we will also offer free childcare during the 10am service. Children ages 0-3 are invited to rest and play in the Nursery under the care of two trained staff members from 9:45am-11:45am. The Nursery will be located in the Gwynne Room, next to the elevator on the top floor of the Parish House. If you think you might utilize the Nursery, please register your child so we can have emergency contacts and special needs on file.

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Vacation Bible School

Summit CommUNITY Camp ~ Last Week of July

Every Summer Calvary partners with local churches in Summit for a week of Vacation Bible School, hosted at Central Presbyterian Church. We gather each day to hear stories from the bible, learn about mission, sing, pray, play games, and explore with great experiments. We finish out the week with a final day of camp filled with service projects that benefit the local community. Children in preschool-5th grade are invited to attend as campers. Camp runs from 8:30am-12pm, with optional AfterCamps from 12-4pm.

Stay tuned for registration links! 

Calvary Episcopal Church

31 Woodland Avenue, Summit NJ 07901


Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:00pm

© 2025. Calvary Episcopal Church.

All rights reserved.

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