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The Calvary Choir

The Calvary Choir leads parishioners in the weekly worship of God through music and Anglican liturgy. Calvary Choir provides music for special feast days beyond the Sunday morning schedule such as Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and the Great Vigil of Easter, Easter morning and concluding with Pentecost Sunday.

United with the choirmaster under the mission of leading the congregation with beautiful music, The Calvary Choir is a very warm, friendly and welcoming community. Regularly meeting for social gatherings away from rehearsals, celebrating birthdays and supporting each other during times of unusual stress are some of the ways bonds of friendship are strengthened, blending these individuals into a community.

Comprised of volunteer singers and 5 professional section leaders, Calvary Choir rehearses weekly for two hours on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 and 45 minutes on Sunday mornings at 9:15. Occasionally, additional rehearsals are scheduled during the church year to prepare for the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.

The Calvary Choir

Children's Choir

The Calvary Children’s Choir (open to singers through eighth grade) receive weekly vocal training, learn to read music and music theory, gain a better understanding of our liturgy, and discover the joy of being leaders in worship. They sing occasionally at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist.

Rehearsals are Sundays at 11:15 am. No affiliation with Calvary is necessary to join, and membership from throughout the community is encouraged.

The Calvary Children’s Choir

St. Dunstan's Handbell Choir

The St. Dunstan’s Handbell Choir is a dedicated group of ringers playing on 3 octaves of Malmark Handbells and Handchimes. Open to all ages from late teens upward, basic music reading skills are essential. The choir participates in worship approximately once each month and also in Mass Ringing opportunities when available. St. Dunstan’s is a great way for ‘non-singers’ to participate in the music program of Calvary and to further develop basic musicianship. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.

The St. Dunstan’s Handbell Choir
Music Brochure

Musical Groups Calvary Hosts

The Larks

The Larks is a musical troupe sponsored by the Junior League of Summit. Led by musical director Joanne Teubner-Prussak, this troupe seeks to bring joy and cheer to local senior citizens through performances at area nursing homes and senior citizen centers. The Larks has been an integral part of Junior League service to the community for nearly 50 years, and uses our choir room for rehearsals.

The Larks

Concord Singers

Concord Singers is a women’s community chorus founded in 1977. Under the direction of Matthew Zabiegala since 2022, Concord Singers welcomes all women and gender-diverse voices (adult soprano and alto). Members come from many age groups, professions and backgrounds, and new members are always welcome.  Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings in the church at 6:30 pm. The repertoire is varied; it includes sacred and secular music, classical works and works by contemporary composers.

Concord Singers

The Organ

Calvary Organ

When Calvary began worship in its third building, it was deemed important to have a pipe organ in place to lead the music. This instrument was rebuilt in 1949. At some point a large, presumably used, console replaced the original one. By the late 1950s, the organ had again fallen into serious disrepair, with whole divisions becoming unplayable. In 1962, a new organ by the M.P. Moeller firm of Hagerstown, Maryland was installed. Again, by the late 1990s the console mechanics began to fail and was in need of replacement. The vestry approved the purchase of a new console, built by Robert M. Turner Organ Builders. It was installed during the summer of 2003, along with several digital stop additions by the Walker Organ Company.

Click here for The Organ Stoplist.

 Calvary Organ

Calvary Episcopal Church

31 Woodland Avenue, Summit NJ 07901


Office Hours: 8:00am - 3:00pm

© 2025. Calvary Episcopal Church.

All rights reserved.

Stained glass by  Louis Comfort Tiffany
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